So here is the team that this whole website is about!
Empoleon Empoleon is the leader and strongest of the team. He was chosen by Arceus to create a team of Pokemon that will help bring peace to the world. So before he knew it, Team Hydro was in bussiness. And so far, it has proven to be the best choice he has ever made.
Piplup Piplup is a very eager Pokemon who doesn't really like fighting and thinks he can do more than he actually can. He thinks of Empoleon as an older brother even though he doesn't show it. But deep down he is quite a ittle fighting machine.
Cyndaquil Cyndaquil is the strong silent type. He doesn't look it, but he is very strong when he wants to be. He is willing to go to pretty big extremes to help the team. He is a very useful member of Team Hydro.
Gible Gible is a fighter. He likes to show off his strength and he has plenty of it as he is a dragon type. He doesn't know many moves but that doesn't stop him from blasting his opponents.
Starly Starly is a quick, agile bird who has the advantage of being able to fly. She is the only female on the team but doesn't seem to care. She is a tricky opponent to fight which makes her a very good member of the team.
UK Time
A message from Hydro.
Hi there!
I hope you enjoy my website and make sure you check the pages you are looking at. Some pages will have sub-pages when you click on them. Just click on a page to the left, and see if there are any sub-pages underneath. Sub-pages will give you extra information or they will just be a little bit of fun.
Thanks for visiting and please enjoy Team Hydro.